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AGL Residential Value Saver vs Netflix Plan

AGL Residential Value Saver vs Netflix Plan

Interested in comparing AGL's Residential Value Saver and Residential Netflix Plan to see which one makes sense for you? You're in the right place.

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South Australia

SA Power Networks - Residential Value Saver vs Residential Netflix Plan

SA Power Networks Network

Single Use Rates

It looks like Residential Value Saver single use rate plans aren't offered in this area. Let's take a look at the rates for the Residential Netflix Plan alone.


Compare plans to see which one has the lowest rates.

Residential Value
Residential Netflix
General Supply All Time (No Demand Charges)
General Usage
Supply Charge
Solar Feed In

Based on typical electricity usage data for Australian households (as collected by the AER), we've calculated the following estimates to help you compare monthly charges for both the Residential Value Saver and Residential Netflix Plan plans.

Related Plan Comparisons

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Louis Fredheim from Energyse

Louis Fredheim

I've created Energyse to help you save money on your electricity and gas bills, and reduce your carbon footprint. My background is in chemical and environmental engineering.